Developing Mobile Applications with Cordova

Mobile applications are creeping in everywhere, starting with smartphones and tablets, to smart watches, and soon be found in other wearables, too. However, developing for each separate mobile platform can be an exhaustive task, especially if your resources are limited, or if you are a single developer. This is where becoming a well-versed Apache Cordova developer can come in handy by providing a way to develop mobile applications using standard web technologies - HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.

Apache Cordova Capabilities:

In essence, Cordova has no limitations in relation to natively developed applications. What you get with Cordova is simply a JavaScript API, which serves as a wrapper for native code and is consistent across devices. You can consider Cordova to be an application container with a web view, which covers the entire screen of the device. The web view used by Cordova is the same web view used by the native operating system. On iOS, this is the Objective-C UIWebView class; on Android, this is android.webkit.WebView.

Apache Cordova comes with a set of pre-developed plugins which provide access to the device’s camera, GPS, file system etc. As mobile devices evolve, adding support for additional hardware is simply a matter of developing new plugins.

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